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Different sources yield different information regarding the origin and meaning of the Caneva name. Presented here are the results of research that family members have conducted thus far.

The Family Crest - contributed by Jon Caneva, Melbourne

The Caneva Family Crest
The Crest History
Family Name History - contributed by Dr. Reno Caneva, Lockport, Illinois

A Caneva Name History
Online Family Name History Research - contributed by Diane Caneva, Plano, Texas

From the Glossary of Latin Words: caneva: a buttery; a cellar ("buttery" meaning a place to store rum and other beverages).

From Interkriti.org: "The Greek town of Kanevos is located just before the entrance of the "Kotsifou" gorge. There are a couple of good taverns with rooms for rent, operating all year around, for those who want to make Kanevos their base for excursions to the broader area. The name "Kanevos" is considered to be of Venetian origin (caneva = wineshop) as in the past there were some renowned inns here."

From the La Caneva website: "La Caneva is an ancient meaning for a Venetian word, which stands for that basement storage room, part of every house, where our grandfathers used to keep wines, cheeses, salami and everything that was to be preserved and used from time to time. They treated La Caneva with respect like if what they would store in it was precious."

From "The Ricetto of Candelo" website: "It is possible to go upstairs (solarium) only from outside, by the means of a hand ladder and wooden balconies (lobbie). In peace time, the ground floor (caneva) was especially used as wine cellar, while the upper floor was used as a drying room or warehouse for the agricultural products."

From "The History of CanevaWorld Amusement Park": "In 1965...thanks to the pioneer of entertainment, Alfonso Amicabile, the "Dancing La Caneva" dance hall was opened, with a decor reconstructing the appearance of a true wine cellar (caneva, in dialect, means wine cellar). It was one of the first places in the Garda where one could drink and dance with others."
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